Welcome to Psych Up Academy
From Chaos to Clarity:
go from overwhelmed and confused to confident and clear with your writing

Once upon a time
…there was a mission-driven entrepreneur who wanted to share their story with the world. They knew that in order to establish their credibility, build their business, and inspire the world with their message, they needed to influence more than one person at a time. But whenever they sat down to write, the kids needed something or an urgent business matter came up or their mind went blank…
Does this sound like you? Have you ever wondered why you can’t get started on or finish your book?
For a lot of people, turning ideas into written pages seems like arcane magic reserved only for those with the right degrees or some mysterious talent.
Yes, writing a book can be tough, especially if it’s your first one. But if you’ve had a book idea knocking at the back of your brain and heart for days, months, or even years, you’re meant to share your story and knowledge with the world.
It’s possible for you to become one of those magical author creatures without an English degree, arcane knowledge, or even any of the proverbial blood, sweat, and tears. How? By figuring out how to work with your brain so the writing process becomes easeful, perhaps even… fun.
Trust me, after having written twenty-plus novels and novellas and two nonfiction books, I can confirm that the feeling doesn’t get old.
And since I’m a psychologist and writing mentor as well as an author, I’m here to help you go from overwhelmed and confused to confident and clear with your writing.
Because everyone’s story is important and has the potential to change the world.

Your words are magic.
It's time to unleash them into the world.
Imagine holding your completed book in your hands.
The Level of Support You Need, When You Need It.
Free Workshops
Begin your book-writing journey, the perfect stepping stone toward realizing your dream as an author.
Group Programs
Ignite your passion and create the book that resonates with your soul, fueled by the power of community support.
1:1 Mentorship
Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Anne and unlock the power of your writing.

Client Whispers
Idea Clarification
30 minute clarification session
Your first step on the path to completing your masterpiece. By the end of our session, you will gain clarity on your topic and get to experience my style so you can determine if we are a good fit.
This is a no-pressure call – my hope is to help you figure out whether writing a book is right for you and the next steps. Or, if you’ve started and are stuck, we can talk about how you can keep moving forward.